Active Shooter Safety Initiative

UPD’s Community Resource Officer is available to provide 1-hour, in-person presentations about active shooter response safety to any campus groups, organizations and departments. (Email [email protected].)
Every year, UPD trains with local and state law enforcement partners as well as emergency professionals to perform active shooter drills. The scenario-based exercises are a way to practice and refine our responses in the event of a critical incident.
UPD also has a Threat Management Team, a group of officers, detectives and subject-matter experts who undergo specialized training. The team’s goal is to identify individuals who may pose a threat to themselves and/or others. This is a holistic, integrated approach best suited to address our evolving threat landscape.
Additionally, UPD provides enhanced security measures when special events take place on campus. Each event is examined on a case-by-case basis and undergoes a comprehensive analysis in order to determine the amount of patrol units needed to fill appropriate staffing levels.
- During emergencies, dial 9-1-1 or use any emergency blue light phone located throughout campus. If you are unable to call, text to 9-1-1 is available in San Diego and Imperial counties
- During non-emergencies and while on campus, call 619-594-1991 and select 1 to speak with a UPD police dispatcher.
- Download and use the SDSU Safe app (Apple and Android), which provides information about university support resources, university shuttles and more.
- Report a tip or concerning behavior through your mobile device via SDSU Safe. Please note that tip-reporting features should only be used during non-urgent situations.
- Update your contact information to ensure timely notice in the event of a campus alert. Instructions are available online, at
Safety Scenario Guide
The Safety Scenario guide offers step-by-step instructions for emergency situations. For more information about Emergency Management, visit the Emergency Management Webpage.
- Call 9-1-1 and describe the nature of your medical problem and campus location.
- If you have been trained, quickly:
- Control serious bleeding by applying direct pressure on the wound.
- Begin CPR if the victim is not breathing.
- If an automated external defibrillator (AED) is available, turn it on and follow the instructions.
- Remain with the injured person until help arrives.
- During a fire,
- Activate the fire alarm using a manual pull station.
- Evacuate the building using the nearest exit or stairwell.
- Avoid elevators.
- Call 9-1-1. (Do not re-enter the building until instructed by law enforcement and emergency officials).
- Fire Extinguisher Instructions
- P - Pull the pin on the extinguisher
- A - Aim the hose or nozzle at the base of the fire
- S - Squeeze the handle
- S - Sweep the extinguishing agent back and forth at the base of the fire
- Exit the building if possible.
- Call 9-1-1 once it is safe to do so.
- If you cannot run, go to an enclosed room, turn off the lights, lock the doors, and barricade entry points.
- If running and hiding are not an option, then fight. Identify items you can use for self-defense and be as aggressive as possible. Work with others if you can.
- Immediately DROP, COVER, and HOLD under a sturdy desk or table.
- Position yourself along an interior wall, staying away from glass windows, shelves and heavy equipment that may topple over.
- Do not run outside unless your building is believed to be in immediate danger or can possibly collapse.
- Quickly move away from buildings, utility poles, and other structures.
- Stay in an open area.
- If a chemical spill occurs within a campus building, immediately call 9-1-1.
- Notify University Police if you have been exposed to a chemical.
- If exposed, avoid contact with others.
- When evacuating, move to an area upwind and away from the odors.
- Call 619-594-1991 and select 1 to speak with a police dispatcher if you believe someone is planning or researching an attack.
- The Threat Management Team (TMT) appropriately responds to individuals exhibiting behaviors that may pose a threat to themselves and others.
- Whenever possible and appropriate, TMT provides follow-up interventions.
Sexual Violence Education & Resources
Students, faculty, and staff have the right to pursue criminal charges whether or not they pursue university discipline charges and/or report to the university.
The reporting party can contact the SDSU university police directly. Should the complainant want assistance, the Title IX Coordinator, Title IX Deputy Coordinators, Student Health Services, Counseling and Psychological Services or Residential Education can assist the complainant in reporting to campus or local law enforcement. Visit the Title IX Webpage for more information about reporting options.
Call 9-1-1 if you are in the midst of any kind of emergency, immediate harm or threat of harm. If you have experienced sexual violence (e.g., rape, acquaintance rape, sexual battery, dating violence, domestic violence, or stalking), you are encouraged to seek immediate assistance from police and healthcare providers for your physical safety, emotional support and medical care.
*To report confidentially, please let police know that you would like to report the incident confidentially.*
You can also visit the Title IX Webpage for more information about reporting options.
Survivors of sexual assault are entitled to a sexual assault forensic exam from a trained medical professional free of charge. The exam is intended to collect forensic evidence for use in the criminal prosecution of the person who perpetrated the sexual assault. The SART can offer additional support including medical and mental healthcare. Please visit CalSAFE for SART exam locations or contact your local law enforcement agency to coordinate and schedule an exam.
Survivors of sexual assault can electronically access the location and status of their sexual assault kits. The DOJ Kit Status website is now available online and contains additional information.
Personal Safety & Awareness Campaign
The Community Resource Officer offers a comprehensive personal safety & awareness workshop course that begins with awareness, prevention, risk reduction and avoidance, progressing on to the basics of hands-on defense training. It is dedicated to teaching defensive concepts and techniques against various types of assault using easy, effective and proven self-defense/martial arts tactics.
For more information contact our Community Resource Officer at [email protected].
Safety tips are available below.
- Walk with friends and known classmates.
- Use busier, well-lit walkways when traveling at night.
- Walk confidently and with a purpose.
- Avoid listening to loud music when walking alone - loud music can make you less able to sense danger.
- Think about your safety wherever you go and avoid situations that could put you in danger.
- Trust your instincts. If you feel unsafe, leave the area and notify the police.
- Be alert to your surroundings and notify the police if something is unsafe.
- Keep valuable items close by and out of sight while in public.
- Don't carry important identifying information, such as your passport or social security card unless you plan to use them.
- When you are not using your phone, store it out of sight. Avoid placing your phone in pockets, where the phone is still clearly visible.
- When using your phone, remember to pay attention to your surroundings.
- Avoid drinking to the point of intoxication.
- Be familiar with where the emergency blue light phones are located around campus.
- Know multiple ways to get to and leave frequently visited areas of campus.
- Email the UPD Community Resource Officer at [email protected] to enroll in an upcoming Personal Safety and Awareness workshop.
- Don't bring strangers to university-sanctioned events with you as your guest. These events are designed for students and their friends, not members of the general public. If the stranger has a friend at the event, their friend can invite them as their guest.
- Don't advertise parties or gatherings on public websites or social media where the general public can access information about the event.
- Avoid allowing strangers to enter events or parties if no one at the event knows them.
- Place all valuables in a secure, out-of-sight location before any event in which you invite people to your home. If your bedroom door has a key, lock the room before the event and check to verify it is still locked throughout the event.
- At home or in the residence halls, keep your doors and windows locked, especially when you are not home or asleep.
- Get to know your neighbors, and watch out for each other.
- Secure valuables in out-of-sight locations.
- In residence halls, don't give floormates access to your room when you or your roommates are not present.
- Don't leave valuable items in your vehicle.
If items must be left in the vehicle, secure the items out of sight before arriving at your destination. - Park in busier areas of parking facilities.
- Don't leave clothing, bags or boxes in your vehicle.
- Verify the person's identity by checking social media prior to arriving for the transaction. If they are unwilling to provide their social media information, it is possible they could be trying to hide their identity.
- Conduct the sale or purchase in a well-lit and busy public area.
- Consider having the other party meet you at the University Police Department and conduct the sale near the front entrance.
- For transactions of higher-value items, consider bringing a friend.
- Be aware of your surroundings.
- Avoid being distracted by your phone or loud music from earbuds or headphones.
- Keep valuables out of sight when they are not in use.
- Be alert to your surroundings and notify the police if something is unsafe.
- Report suspicious activity to the San Diego Police Department by calling 9-1-1 (for emergencies) or 619-531-2000 (for non-emergencies).
- If you see someone with a weapon, go to a safe place and call 9-1-1. Do not confront the person.
- Walk with friends and trusted classmates.
- Think about safety wherever you go.
- Trust your instincts. If you feel unsafe, leave the area and notify the police.
- Avoid drinking to the point of intoxication.
- Don't advertise parties or gatherings on public websites or social media where the general public can access information about the event.
- Don't allow strangers to enter events or parties if no one knows them.
- Place all valuables in a secure, out-of-sight location before any event in which you invite people into your home.
- If your bedroom door has a key, lock the room before the event and check to verify the room is still locked throughout the event.
- Keep your doors and windows locked, especially when you are asleep or not home.
- Email the UPD Community Resource Officer at [email protected] to enroll in an upcoming Personal Safety and Awareness workshop.
The CDC says the real risk with fentanyl is with people unknowingly receiving it in doses of cocaine, heroin, methamphetamines or altered pills, such as counterfeit Xanax, Adderall, Oxycodone or Ecstasy/Molly. Fentanyl is often added to these types of drugs because of its extreme potency.
Well-being & Health Promotion facilitates the Narcan Upstander Distribution Program. Email [email protected] to register for the synchronous program.
If ever there is an emergency, you are encouraged to call 9-1-1 immediately. As a reminder, the university has the Amnesty Policy and Good Samaritan Policy (PDF). These policies state that students who call for help and those who need help will generally not be sanctioned for violations associated with the incident.
If you or someone you care about needs support around drug use or would like to learn more about the dangers surrounding Fentanyl, opioids or alcohol and/or any other drugs, students can sign up for a one-on-one education session with Well-being & Health Promotion.
Administrative Citations
The California Education Code states the trustees may establish rules and regulations for the government and maintenance of the buildings and grounds of the California State University (CEC 89031).
San Diego State University has enacted “Regulations for Use of San Diego State University Buildings and Grounds.” The regulations described below are therefore subject to a citation should a campus community member be found in violation of that regulation.
- 16.1 Bicycles may only be operated on streets and designated bike paths. In other locations, bicyclists shall walk their bicycles.
- 16.1.1 All bicycles on campus shall properly display a valid SDSU bicycle license issued by University Police. Unregistered bicycles may be impounded.
- 16.1.2 Bicycles shall be parked only in designated stands and areas. Bicycles attached to railings or other fixtures not designated for bicycle parking are subject to removal and impound.
- 16.2 Skateboards and scooters may only be operated on designated bike paths, Aztec Circle Drive, Hilltop Way, Scripps Terrace and Avenue of Arts. In other locations, skateboards must be walked.
- 16.3 Hover boards are not permitted in residence halls and may not be operated in university buildings.
- 16.4 In no case shall bicycles, skateboards, roller skates, or similar personal wheeled conveyances be permitted, operated, parked or locked on ramps for disabled access. Individuals shall walk their bicycles, skateboards, or similar wheeled conveyance on any disabled access ramp.
- 16.5 Pedestrians shall have the right of way at all times.
- 16.5.2 Skateboards and scooters are expected to yield to all pedestrians, bicycles, wheelchairs and motorized vehicles.
SDSU Active Transportation Policy
Where can I ride my bike or skateboard?
Please note: Skateboarding on city streets is a misdemeanor and you are required to ride your skateboards on sidewalks once you leave campus. City streets directly adjacent to campus are:
- Campanile Drive
- Canyon Crest
- Hardy Avenue
- Lindo Paseo
- College Avenue
- Montezuma
- 55th Street
- Remington Road
More information is available at Parking and Transportation Services.
- 25.1 SDSU is completely smoke-free.
- 25.3 Smoking is defined as inhaling, exhaling, burning or carrying a lighted or vapor-producing tobacco product. Tobacco is defined as all tobacco-derived or containing products, including but not limited to cigarettes (clove, bidis, kreteks), electronic cigarettes, cigars and cigarillos, hookah smoked products or oral tobacco (spit and spitless, smokeless, chew or snuff).
Learn more at Smoke Free SDSU
Those found in violation and issued a citation have the ability to request an appeal for the citation within 21 days of the issuance of the violation. All appeals are submitted electronically.
If you wish to appeal, you are required to pay the fine prior to appealing the citation. Should the citation be dismissed, a refund will be processed. Any appeals submitted prior to payment will be denied.
Download the appeal and then email to: [email protected].