Safety Services
Red & Black Safe Ride Program
During the fall semester, SDSU students, faculty and staff can utilize the Red & Black Safe Ride program to safely get around campus at designated pick-up and drop-off locations. The Red & Black Safe Ride program operates weekdays, from 7 p.m. to midnight. An ADA van will be available to accommodate any requests. Please note: the program does not operate during university holidays.
**All riders will be required to present their Red ID.**
On-Demand Safe Ride Requests - Weekdays from 7 p.m. to Midnight
During weekdays, from 7 p.m. to midnight, riders can request an on-demand ride to and from designated locations using the SDSU Safe App.
Designated Pick-Up and Drop-Off Locations:
- Huaxyacac Hall
- Parking 11
- Arts & Letters Building
- Sun Dial (In front of Hepner Hall)
- Geology Mathematics Computer Science Building
- Student Services East
- Parking 2
- Zura Hall
- Speech, Language and Hearing Sciences Building
- Calpulli Health Center
- Aztec Recreation Center / Viejas Arena
- University Towers
- Villa Alvarado
- 6363 Alvarado Court
CPTED Assessments
Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED) is a strategy that looks at a variety of ways to deter and mitigate crime. This can be performed through access control, barriers, lighting and landscape designs. We understand our campus is located in a metropolitan environment where crimes of opportunity may occur. We are happy to meet with anyone looking at ways potential crime might be decreased. Schedule a CPTED by completing the CPTED Request Form.
Bike Registrations
UPD offers free bicycle registration to our campus community. Upon registering your bicycle, we will provide you with a registration sticker and a free U-lock while supplies last.
Safety and Security Infrastructure Advisory Committee (SASIAC) Charge
The safety and security of our campus are of utmost importance and significantly impact our ability to deliver and consume instruction, conduct research and creative activities, and implement our overall mission. In recent years, the university has increased its resources for assessing safety and security infrastructure needs by developing Crime Prevention through Environmental Design (CPTED) analysis and reports managed by the University Police Department. This evaluation has identified items that are in need of repair or have operational implications which the university largely funds. It has also identified recommendations for enhanced safety and security measures (i.e., additional CCTV cameras, electronic access control, lighting, duress phones, IT and infrastructure replacement or upgrades, etc.) without an identified funding source. In the spring of 2024, the President's Budget Advisory Committee (PBAC) allocated $750,000 to support such endeavors. Campus leadership prioritized $250,000 to add additional electronic access control to exterior entrances with the balance to be recommended by a representative campus committee.
As such, this advisory group is charged with prioritizing and allocating funding to address the most significant needs. The primary purpose of the Safety & Security Infrastructure Advisory Committee (SASIAC) is to make recommendations on all safety and security infrastructure allocations of state-owned University space to the Council of Vice Presidents.
The Safety & Security Infrastructure Advisory Committee:
- Develops a process for receiving and reviewing requests for additional safety and security infrastructure
- Solicits additional CPTED reports from University Police and suggests changes to evaluations when appropriate
- Solicits estimated costs for implementation of safety and security infrastructure requests from appropriate campus departments
- Recommends and prioritizes campus safety and security infrastructure needs via a proposed risk assessment model
- Recommends safety and security-related repair and operational changes when appropriate
- Given safety and security are always a shared responsibility, recommends educational campaigns for faculty, staff, and students to support desired outcomes
- Engages with and is informed by other campus committees such as the Campus Community Commission, Deferred Maintenance Advisory Committee, etc.
How to Report a Safety and Security Infrastructure Issue
For any safety and security concerns related to the state-funded physical infrastructure (i.e., additional electronic access control, cameras, lights, etc.) and for which a college, division, or department would like to seek financial support to address, we would ask that the college, division, or department take the following steps.
- CPTED Request - Submit a request for a Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED) review.
- Work Request - Once completed, share the CPTED recommendations with Project Management (PM) and Facilities Services (FS) via a work request and click on 'Chargeable Services' to create an Opinion of Probable cost (OPC) estimate. We ask that the AVP, Dean and/or Associate Dean are included if they are not making the request directly. This will ensure the division or college leadership is informed of the issue. The request will allow us to add the project to the queue. From there, we will have the opportunity to evaluate the scope of work and share details about the cost and time it will take to perform the work once approved.
- SASIAC Request - If the college, division, or department chooses to seek matching funding from the campus, they should submit a Safety and Security Infrastructure Advisory Committee (SASIAC) request form. The SASAIC members will evaluate the needs compared to other campus requests, including our funding balance, and make recommendations for funding up to 50% of the total OPC estimate. The balance of the costs will be the responsibility of the college, division, or department to fund or seek funding from other sources (i.e., division, grant, donor, PBAC, etc.). Once approved by SASIAC, the college, division, or department will have six (6) months to approve the project with their funding match to move forward or the money will revert to the SASIAC pool for other pressing issues. There is the opportunity for an extension being granted if the scope is still actively being pursued.
Once the first two steps are completed, college and division sponsors can fill out the SASIAC request form and return it to the SASIAC co-chairs, AVP Josh Mays and AVP Eric Hansen, to share with the SASIAC membership. We ask that requestors include any copies of CPTED reports and PM/FS estimates during their submission to increase the timeliness of review.
SASIAC Committee Members
Voting Members
- Josh Mays (Co-Chair), AVP for Safety and Community Empowerment
- Eric Hansen (Co-Chair), AVP for Business Operations
- Mark Reed, Senior AVP for Research and Innovation
- Sonja Pruitt-Lord, Interim Vice Provost for Academic Affairs
- Rashmi Praba, AVP for Student Affairs & Campus Diversity
- Kumar Narayanan, Senior Director of Network Strategy & P3s - Information Technology Division
- TBD, Associated Students Representative
Ex Officio Members
- Cpl. Mark Peterson, University Police Department
- Gillian Marks, Senior Director of Environmental Health & Safety and Risk Programs
- Daryn Ockey, Executive Director of Facilities Services
- Kathleen Davis, Director of Project Management
- Patty Rea, Associated Executive Director of Associate Students